miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014


Este cuarteto italiano es harto conocido en la esfera RIO principalmente por su segunda y última placa "Erzefilisch" del 2007, que en su momento colgó orgullosa de una de las paredes en LaMúsicaEscultura, por lo que para cerrar este círculo gestáltico esta tarde les dejo su placa debut, que no desmerece en nada la escucha y casi no se ve por la red.

Excelso Slungcore (Jazz, Hardcore, Avant, RIO...)



1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
6. VI
7. VII
9. IX


- Alessandro Bonanni / bass
- Tommaso Moretti / drums
- Gabriele Mengoli / saxophone
- Fabrizio Colelli / guitar


lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014

Feigenbaum & Scott - Things are more like now than they ever were before (1980)

Gloriosa Masterpiece y Must Have del RIO estadounidense!! Obscuro cómo sólo los 80´s pudieron serlo pero a la vez ominosamente gozoso de cabo a rabo, con infinidad de pasajes memorables que saludan a Zappa, Henry Cow, Egg, Gentle giant, etc...

No es en vano que uno de estos dos tipos es el ex-muffin fundador de Cuneiform Records!!

No hay preview para esta gema...

Escuchen esto pajasbravas!!

Feigenbaum & Scott - Things are more like now than they ever were before (1980)


A1 And Night Into Day 3:00
A2 The Earbenders 6:43
A3 Cirrus Mist 2:18
A4 A Sunday Drive 2:33
A5 Mountain Thrash 4:43
B1 Things Are More Like They Are Now Than They Ever Were Before 2:25
B2 Egress Gnome Odd 6:52
B3 Guitar Orchestra 2:40
B4 One's Day 8?


Bass – Steven Feigenbaum
Bassoon – Tom Scott 
Clarinet – Tom Scott 
Conch – Tom Scott 
Drums – Paul Sears 
Effects – Barney Jones
Electronics – Steven Feigenbaum
Flute [E Flat, C] – Tom Scott 
French Horn – Liz Enagonio
Guitar – Greg Yaskovich, Pepe Abbondanza, Peter Hoepfner, Steven Feigenbaum
Organ – Tom Scott 
Percussion – Colleen Scott, Steven Feigenbaum, Tom Scott 
Piano – Steven Feigenbaum, Tom Scott 
Piccolo Flute – Tom Scott 
Saxophone [Soprano, Alto, Baritone] – Tom Scott
Tape – Tom Scott
Voice – Colleen Scott, Steven Feigenbaum, Tom Scott


Picky Picnic - Discografía

Dicen por ahi (y dicen bien!) que en Japón jamás surgirá nada tan parecido a The Residents. Yo por mi parte, sobre este bizarro dúo nipón, puedo afirmar que encuentro una verdadera MALA intención en gran parte de su obra. Y con esto quiero ser claro: siento que hay algo siniestro y demasiado retorcido en varias de sus rolas... obscuro proyecto de aquella tierra, que recuerdo en estas fechas mientras mis dulces nietas bailan sus temazos en la sala... desde aquí puedo verlas.

Les dejo sus 4 placas:


viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Chromb - ll (2014)

Me parece injusta la casi nula difusión ofrecida a la obra de estos franceses avecindados en la otredad desde el 2012 cuando debutaron y dejaron escuchar la insana orgía de Jazz-RIO-Pop-Rock-Post y demás bellezas en una colección de temas que este 2014 volvió a ser contundente asi que les conmino al goce de estos impredecibles muchachos. Diversión asegurada.

Chromb - ll (2014)


1.Monsieur Costume 04:33
2.Le Colis 05:04
3.Il Dansait La Chance 06:02
4.La Saulce 08:23
5.Au Milieu Des Décombres Fumantes, Un Bâton Planté Dans Le Sol Qui Semblait Vouloir Dire "Pourquoi?" 02:03
6.À Fond De Chien 03:46


Camille Durieux 
Guillaume Gestin 
Lucas Hercberg 
Antoine Mermet


Gnu - Discografía

Este grupo japonés hizo en su momento una rica mezcla de Jazz, Avant y toques de RIO y Slungcore bastante elegante comandados por el incombustible Masahiko Okura, quien se pasea por sobre todos los temas de sus 4 álbumes tirando solos certeros y mañosos.

Les dejo sus 4 discos en un sólo link.

Gnu - Gnuman 1998


1 Time Table 6:32
2 Pin/Pon 1:09
3 (#2) 0:27
4 Peace Lights (Short Hope) 6:09
5 Soña Baccana?? 3:11
6 (#3) 0:25
7 Arimath (For Fela) 5:24
8 Spring 3:33
9 Pin/Pon 0:39
10 Gnuman On The Hill 2:00
11 Yuppie Odori 2:29
12 Waltz For Moon 6:59
13 (#1) 2:37


Bass, Violin, Percussion – Takahashi Taiji
Drums, Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Piano, Performer [Buzz], Percussion – Kumada Guam
Guitar, Saxophone [Alto], Mandolin, Flute, Percussion – Ishii Yōji
Saxophone [Alto], Percussion – Ōkura Masahiko

Gnu ‎– Midnight Breakfast 2001


1 Oriel
2 Sandcrawler
3 Straw People
4 Poster
5 Them
6 Slap Yuppie
7 Rubberband Soup
8 Round-1


Bass, Violin, Percussion – Takahashi Taiji
Drums, Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Piano, Performer [Buzz], Percussion – Kumada Guam
Guitar, Saxophone [Alto], Mandolin, Flute, Percussion – Ishii Yōji
Saxophone [Alto], Percussion – Ōkura Masahiko

Gnu - Suro 2003


1 Peacemaker 8:07
2 Human Oil 16:06
3 Boneless (Part 1) 6:03
4 Boneless (Part 2) 10:21
5 Round 2 7:36
6 Eonta 5:18
7 Meteora 11:06


Bass, Violin, Percussion – Takahashi Taiji
Drums, Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Piano, Performer [Buzz], Percussion – Kumada Guam
Guitar, Saxophone [Alto], Mandolin, Flute, Percussion – Ishii Yōji
Saxophone [Alto], Percussion – Ōkura Masahiko

Gnu - Event 2007


1 Na
2 Bells
3 Goldpe
4 Goverment Breath
5 A Week And One Second
6 Watchheart
7 Denden


Bass, Violin, Percussion – Takahashi Taiji
Drums, Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Piano, Performer [Buzz], Percussion – Kumada Guam
Guitar, Saxophone [Alto], Mandolin, Flute, Percussion – Ishii Yōji
Saxophone [Alto], Percussion – Ōkura Masahiko


martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

Pivixki ‎– Gravissima 2010

Este par de australianos lograron a través de está vertiginosa fórmula de power-duo lo que muchos pares intentaron antes de formas infructuosas: Hacer Metal sólo con piano y batería. Obviamente para esto se requirió de virtuosismo extremo y energía a raudales mezcladas irresponsablemente.
Si a esto añadimos que además ambos músicos provienen de proyectos malintencionados que involucran nombres como Mike Patton, con tendencias avantgarde y rioesques, tenemos una placa a disfrutar.

Échenles una orejita, en fin que tenemos dos... y además vuelven a crecer, ¡me consta!

acá otro más:


Pivixki ‎– Gravissima  2010


1 Flail 3:28
2 Konx 2:11
3 Gravissima 64 3:35
4 A Shrewd Manipulation Of The Facts 3:33
5 Achieving Failure 1:35
6 Delirious Heave 3:21
7 Hideous Men 4:26
8 Late Veins 2:28
9 Fools/Fanatics 2:38
10 Repeaters 3:47
11 Masso-Dissco 6:13


Drums – Max Kohane
Piano, Keyboards, Electronics – Anthony Pateras


VA - Discotroma 01 (1996)

Una de las mejores compilaciones de la vieja avanzada franco-nipona en este Discotroma, tan underground que en Youtube no hay testimonios fehacientes de la existencia de estas bandas... igual y las soñé y esta descarga no tiene más que aire...

VA - Discotroma 01 (1996)


01. borgne – je te ferai tout
02. peu importe – une télé
03. gaki deka – block meat coconut
04. dragibus – bossu et crocodile
05. mug – vulture’s wing
06. peu importe – air de repos
07. gaki deka – tokyo stinky fish
08. la chose – urcuray gonzo mix
09. mug – sitting frog imitator
10. dragibus – kiss balaz
11. peu importe – le chant du plafond
12. gaki deka – romeo tergal
13. dragibus – trot
14. borgne – le contact animal
15. peu importe – sale chtaar
16. dragibus – pim papi caille
17. gaki deka – black god gun
18. peu importe – la rue
19. dragibus – alma sauce
20. peu importe – rien
21. dragibus – lalala
22. peu importe – gout bulgare
23. dragibus – touboura
24. gaki deka – oki freaky buda


F@ctor Burz@co - 3 (2014)

Pues nada, que la más refinada y elaborada propuesta RIO de Latinoamérica ha vuelto y mantiene incólume su nivel sónico. Imperdible este "III" de los argentinos, sin dudas la mejor raza del continente, si no es que la única que vale la pena.

El disco entero se puede oir en Youtube!!

f@ctor burz@co - 3 (2014)


1. Donde nos Habíamos Quedado.
2. La Ver@ Storia d Trist@n O
3. Ev@sion Imposible
4. Arn0ldturro
5. LAS
6. Transición M@rimba/Asudepm@l
7. Inter D1cc1on
8. Soga
9. Sog@func
10. Silicio


- Abel Gi1bert / Composer, Arranger
- Carolina Restucci@ / Vocals
- Pedro Ch@lkho / Guitars
- F@cundo Negri / Drums and Percussion
- Carlos Eduardo Quebrad@ Vásquez / Bass


Seabrook Power Plant - Discografía

Otro genio virtuoso cuyo álbum debut colgué en su oportunidad en el otrora ido "Sanjamás". Asumo que los verdaderos RIOheads ya conocen al banjo más veloz del otro rock y aquí les dejo de forma definitiva su obra completa (en este proyecto, porque en otros toca con toda la plebe jazzera de Nueva York...)

Seabrook power plant - I  2009


1. Peter Dennis Blanford Townshend
2. Ho Chi Minh Trail
3. Waltz of the Nuke Workers
4. Occupation 1977
5. Base Load Plant Theme
6. I Don’t Feel So Good
7. Feedlot Polio
8. Doomsday Shroud


Brandon Seabrook – guitar, banjo
Tom Blancarte – bass
Jared Seabrook – drums

Seabrook power plant - II   2011


1. Lamborghini Helicopter
2. Black Sheep Squadron 
3. The Night Shift
4. I’m Too Good For You
5. Kush Lamps Ablaze
6. Sacchetto Mal D’Aria
7. Forcep Perfection
8. 0515


Brandon Seabrook – guitar, banjo
Tom Blancarte – bass
Jared Seabrook – drums
Special Guest: Judith Berkson – vocals

Brandon Seabrook - Sylphid Vitalizers 2014


1.Ballad of Newfangled Vicissitudes 06:16
2.Selfodomized Poltergeists 07:07
3.Mucoidal Woolgathering 06:53
4.Cabeza Spasms & Aural Championships 09:26
5.Lurid Clusters 04:27


Brandon Seabrook: Tenor Banjo, Electric Guitar 
Dr. Vitalizer: Drum Programming 

los 3 

Eldridge Skell´s the Rude Staircase - Sookie Jump (2007)

Aunque inicialmente les compartí este auténtico Santo Grial del RIO hace un par de años en el Chatboard, la obscura naturaleza de esta gema del Otro Rock le ha permitido permanecer en las más abisales aguas sonoras, maldición que hoy romperé como piñata en posada de mi tía Mine, para posteriormente dejar a vuestras mercedes pelear por las agrias frutas de estación que celoso guarda este monstruoso álbum, reverenda obra maestra del Rock Oponido...

Escuchen esto puta madre!!


 01 Variations On A Theme
 02 A Gaggle Of Swans
 03 In The Silo
 04 Houses Are Burning
 05 Cranes (Detail)
 06 Cranes
 07 Here Come The Red Teeth
 08 We Had Our Work Cut Out For Us, Francis
 09 Telephone, Telephone
 10 March Of The D9 Caterpillar
 11 Shutup


Expo - Do The Expo! (1987)

Todo en la red acerca de estos esquizoides nipones dirigidos por Kimitaka Matsumae está en japonés. Sólo puedo recomendarles su escucha a aquellos quienes gusten indagar de dónde mierdas pudo originarse el retorcido abuso de los odds time signatures que tanta felicidad ha traído a nuestras miserables vidas las más osadas agrupaciones de la tierra del sol naciente.

Tipographica, Zappa, Zamla Mammas, una vieja consola de Nintendo en una fiesta infantil y aquí está el sonido papás...

Desgraciadamente este video es lo único que hallé en la red, y aunque sí se aprecia la calidad de la melcocha, en el disco la cosa está que arde de Otredad!!


Paavo - Discografía

Imperdonable no poseer la obra completa de una de las más innovadoras fusiones que se hacen del Jazz y el RIO a nivel mundial, vía este par de féminas suecas.
Una en el piano y otra en la voz, ambas dos en composicionen poderosan, frescan, nuevan, atrevidan y todo lo que termine en ene.

De pocas, realmente pocas bandas en el mundo (y en el tiempo) puedo decir que NO SE ANDAN CON MAMADAS. Cero experimentaciones fallidas excusadas en el "avantgarde"... aquí todas, repito, todas las canciones en todos sus discos son reverendas PIEZAS para el regocijo de quienes leemos este blog, paisanos en la nada...


Paavo 2007  


1 Ambush 6:23
2 The Fairy 6:32
3 Making Strange 8:21
4 Ouvertyr 2:44
5 Climb Above The Trees 6:28
6 Sandpaper 10:23
7 Where Is My Other Shoe? 5:16
8 Imma 5:20
9 Bubblor 4:33
10 Autumn Waltz 11:53


 - Sofia Jernberg - vocals
 - Cecilia Persson - piano
 - Nils Berg - tenor saxophone, clarinet & bass clarinet
 - Thomas Backman - alto,- & baritone & clarinet
 - Marcelo Gabard Pazos - alto saxophone
 - Clas Lassbo - double bass
 - Gustav Nahlin - drums, xylophone & glockenspiel
 - Emil Strandberg - trumpet
 - Fredrik Ljungkvist - baritone saxophone
 - Alberto Pinton - flute & bass clarinet


Cançó del Paó  2010


    1. Passage (5:54)
    2. These Worlds Are Also Games (8:17)
    3. Grus Blir Guld Blir Grus (3:46)
    4. Carved Out (7:35)
    5. Lilla (4:04)
    6. Visan (5:59)
    7. Canter (7:26)
    8. O Virgo, Miserere Mei (5:54)


 - Sofia Jernberg - vocals
 - Cecilia Persson - piano
 - Nils Berg - tenor saxophone, clarinet & bass clarinet
 - Thomas Backman - alto,- & baritone & clarinet
 - Marcelo Gabard Pazos - alto saxophone
 - Clas Lassbo - double bass
 - Gustav Nahlin - drums, xylophone & glockenspiel
 - Emil Strandberg - trumpet
 - Fredrik Ljungkvist - baritone saxophone
 - Alberto Pinton - flute & bass clarinet


The Third Song Of The Peacock 2013  


01. Correct behavior (08:27)
02. The Idiom Song (02:58)
03. Shaped Shiver (05:05)
04. The Dream (04:28)
05 Fånerier Nr 8 (06:25)
06 Tattis Bounce (04:45)
07 Skimmel (05:38)
08 Sleep (04:15)


Sofia Jernberg - Vocal
Cecilia Persson - Piano
Fredrik Ljungkvist - Saxophone & Clarinet
Emil Strandberg - Trumpet
Nils Berg - Saxophone & bass-clarine
Thomas Backman - Saxophone & Clarinet
Marcelo Gabard Pazos - Saxophones
Clas Lassbo - Bass
Gustav Nahlin - Drums & Xylophone


...de nada.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

Mystic morrison visions - Fuzzy-set (2010)

Funk-RIO en formato de trio desde Rusia con amor!!


01. Impressive (05:08)
02. Angry es-moll (03:32)
03. Crawling Aleister (05:28)
04. Hugo (04:24)
05. Octopus (02:15)
06. Merry-go-round (04:09)
07. Fourth (06:11)


Aleksej Esin (bass)
Garegin Benglyants (drums)
Dmitry Smolentsev (keyboards)



La verdad es que debemos reconocer que la península escandinava maneja otro producto... desde los 70´s cualquier cosa que suene desde allá se muestra ajena y aventurada. Les vi en vivo en Guadalajara hace un mes y no decepcionaron en absoluto...

Esta segunda grabación de los finlandeses no es la excepción... calibren nomas algunos nombres con los que, incapaces, trata de colgar efímera etiqueta a los buenazos de Utopianisti:
"Pingvorinkestern, Humble Grumble, UneXpect, Atomic Ape, Major Parkinson, Knifeworld, and even the modern Univers Zero..."


Coversaaaazo de Zomby Woof!!



1. Mekonium Fist (3:51)
2. The Vultures Were Hungry (2:56)
3. Pohjola (8:09)
4. Tango Succubus Pt. 2 (5:10)
5. The Forest Of The Bald Witch (6:47)
6. Bisphenol A (4:12)
7. Kynttilöitäkin Vain Yksi (6:16)
8. Spanking Time (6:02)
9. The Sundays Of Love And Peace (5:14)
10. Mechanoid Makeout Music (4:54)
11. Too Many Eyeholes (4:07)
12. Derelicts In Space (11:35)
13. U.L.J.C. (The Unnecessary Leftover Jam Compilation) (9:38)


- Markus Pajakkala / drums, percussion, 
soprano-, tenor- and baritone saxophones, flute & alto flute, bass clarinet, mellotron, various ethnic instruments, programming, additional keyboards, vibraphone
- Jaan Wessman / electric bass (tracks 1, 3, 5, 6, 8)
- Ville Rauhala / upright bass (tracks 4, 7, 8-13)
- Mika Tyyskä aka Mr. Fastfinger / guitar (track 1)
- Antero Mentu / guitar, sitar (tracks 3, 5, 6, 8, 13)
- Anssi Salminen / guitar (tracks 7, 8, 13)
- Juha Savela / guitar (track 4)
- Kalle Elkomaa / organ, electric piano (tracks 1, 3, 5)
- Tuomas Marttila / marimba, vibraphone, congas (tracks 3, 4, 6)
- Harri Kuusijärvi / accordion (tracks 4, 7)
- Tero Syväluoma / fiddle (track 7)
- Waltteri Torikka / vocals (tracks 2, 4)
- Suvi Väyrynen / vocals (track 2)
- Pharaoh Pirttikangas / vocals (track 8)
- Tommi Kolunen / trumpet (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8) 
- Olli "Trumpetnator" Helin / trumpet (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8) 
- Jussi Toivonen / trumpet (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Antti Hirvonen / trombone (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Petri Juutilainen / trombone (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Ulla Ahonen / trombone (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Aulis Pöyhönen / bass trombone (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Kasper Haikonen / alto sax (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Masa Orpana / alto sax (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Petri Nieminen / tenor sax (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Maiju Virtanen / tenor sax (tracks 1, 3, 6, 8)
- Sami Sippola / tenor saxophone (tracks 9-13)
- Simo Laihonen / drums (tracks 9-13)
- Jon Ballantyne / electric & grand piano (tracks 9-13)


Richard Dawson - Nothing Important (2014)

Me vale verga: este viejo gordo, feo y pobre se cuece aparte. Musical y espiritualmente se encuentra a años luz de la más osada conjetura que podamos urdir. Y todo porque Richard Dawson es puro y automático amor, arte sin filtros, ventana limpia y nuestra pero otra.

Él solo y su guitarra logran transmitir como muy pocos (Spinetta, I miss you...) el volúmen pitagórico de corrosivos humores que colman nuestros estómagos de amargos animales que, como dijera Sabines, somos y hemos sido.

Ya colgué azorado su "Magic Bridge" del 2011 y hoy celebro lloroso su regreso al dolor.


Theusz Amstrad - Disk #2 (2012)

Y sigue la Francia dando, vociferando manifiestos dolorosos que se hacen ruido en el aire, esperando esa pertinente antena del eter lateral en que flotan, afortunados, los cerebros de quienes se guarecen bajo la espesa sombra del Otro Rock... el que no sabe dialogar y grita... y revienta.

Noise-Zeuhl-Avant Rock para sus olvidados menesteres...

Theusz Amstrad -  Disk #2 (2012)


1 Glaisse
2 U-Boat
3 Modern Mummy
4 Repulsion
5 Unsane H.S.C.
6 Theusz Amstrad
7 Jigsaw, Chainsaw Etc...
8 Città Violenta
Written-By – Ennio Morricone
9 Born Pigs
Piano – Samuel Frin
10 The Ballad On The Edge Of The Canal
11 Fist Firs


Artwork [Screenpriting] – Marine Broussaud
Artwork [Sticker] – Camille Blanchemain
Bass, Backing Vocals – Müc*
Drums, Vocals – Pierhùn*
Guitar, Vocals – Rafhell*
Mastered By [Unmastered] – Brüt Müzho*
Performer – Theusz Amstrad
Recorded By, Mixed By – Mück Luto


Kulara - Fragmental Remembrance, A Switch of Resurrection, and My Hearing Vanished [2002]

Avant-Post-Metal desde Japón... no necesitan ver la sangre en esta, su única placa asomada al triste baldío de la otredad sonora.
Una placa sin estructuras lícitas cuyo hilo conductor se perdió allí... donde las arañas hacen su nido...

Kulara - Fragmental Remembrance, A Switch of Resurrection, and My Hearing Vanished [2002]


1 Brown Knife
2 The Belt Of Sleep Freeze
3 Two Suns Day
4 Your Own Gain
5 Fate
6 Machine And Me
7 Human Pattern


nakagawa (guitar), maruse (vocals),
高谷 (bass, piano),
tanaka (guitar),
Kimura→塚本純 (drums)


viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Regal Worm - USE AND ORNAMENT (2013)

La burda épica de Cardiacs, un toque Canterbury coqueto, un minimalismo Zeuhl y guiños a la VDGG hacen de esta propuesta una delicia otrota y grosera que deben poseer y calibrar.

Solo por eso aqui les "azorrajo" su rolota de 26 monitos ¡que diga! minutos para que a mí no me crean...

Regal Worm - USE AND ORNAMENT (2013)


1. Zinc Ferment (1:32)
2. Cherish That Rubber Rodent (3:59)
3. The Mardi Gras Turned Ugly In Seconds (4:30) 
4. Apple Witch (4:05)
5. Morning Sentinel (2:31)
6. Confession From A Deep And Warm Hibernaculum (13:17)
i. Running, Hopping, Leaping 
ii. Nimbostratus 
iii. Sword Blades 
iv. Time And Circumstance (One Second Either Way) 
7. Mud (1:24)
8. 6:17PM The Aunt Turns Into An Ant (26:11) 
i. Crunch time. Tea waste. Flagstone desert. 
ii. Narration #1 
iii. Six feet and under the table. Approaching terror. 
iv. Beset by centipedes. The well-timed rescue. 
v. Narration #2 
vi. Acceptance into the colony, on condition that eighteen score and ten aphids are ritually sacrificed. Refusal and escape. 
vii. Flagstone dessert (with cake crumbs). Ant alone. 
viii. Narration #3 
ix. My name is Silvius. Ant elopes. From ants to blackbirds and beyond. 
x. Each its hour. 
9. Klara Till Slutet (Main Title Theme) (3:17)


Jarrod Gosling / Mellotron, various analogue synthesizers, Hammond organs, 
Leslie speaker, Jarlsberg organ, Philips Philicorda, Rhodes electric piano, various keyboards, bass guitars, electric and acoustic guitars, Rogers drums, percussion, voice, bowed saw, glockenspiels, visuals, accordion, recorder, whistles, stylophone, mouth organ, home made stuff, direction, effects. 
Mick Somerset-Ward / tenor and alto saxophones, alto and C flutes, whistles, clarinet, bass clarinet, Jew's harp, shruti box, Maestro effects unit, voice, words. 
Peter Rophone / voice. 
Louis Atkinson / tenor and soprano saxophones. 
Kevin Pearce / voice. 
Lucy Fawcett / trumpet. 
Richard Bradley / EMS Synthi AKS, flexitone, vibraslap. 
Nick Gosling / electric guitar. 
Graham McElearney / harp. 
Lucy Hope / voice. 
Jack Helliwell / violin.


Voluntary Mother Earth - 2 discos

Y bueno aprovechando que saludamos esta noche a los hombres orquesta, les dejo las otras 2 gemitas del ojirazgado Akihiro Hayakawa, el mismo que con su "Village Avant-garde" dejara a Shakira loca, ciega y sordomuda en 2010 con su irresponsable fusión de géneros, lo que le valió por fin la etiqueta RIO en Progarchives, permitiéndole rebajar sus dosis de Paxil a un día sí, un día ño.

Completen la colección:

Voluntary Mother Earth - Voluntary invasion (2005)


1. Your Mother Is Only A Voluntary Mother (3:59)
2. American Cheese (4:01)
3. Reverof Irig Yellav (1:40)
4. Just Another Nice Guy From The Orient (4:36)
5. 21st Century Hippies (6:02)
6. I Am The Orient (11:14)

Voluntary Mother Earth - Unacceptable vegetable (2007)

1. Give Us A Tomato (5:33)
2. Free Head For A Free Ride (6:46)
3. I Said ''Just Water, Please'' And She Gave Me Sprite (5:49)
4. Valley Girl Meets Angela And A Long Thin Person (5:25)
5. Jeremy Thorn 2007 (5:57)
6. A Story Of The Typical Week Of A Starving Musician (4:15)
7. Makes Me Wonder (5:14)
8. Forgive My Penis (4:39)
9. ... And You Got My Penis Hurt (7:28)

ambos 2

Ogo Dys - 2 discos

Este escandinavo loco hace todo el ruido solo. Parece la banda sonora de las pesadillas post-infarto de Tim Smith mezclado con Zappa y Sir Millard Mulch... bastante malviajadas estas 2 placas...

Ogo Dys ‎– Neptune Everywhere 2008


1 Sugar Plum Feromones 4:31
2 Well Oiled Easter Eggs 0:32
3 Conspicious Lid Of M.A.N. 2:17
4 Neptune Everywhere 4:04
5 Fumes Of Pods In Heat 2:19
6 Swift Plutonium Enema 5:37
7 Purple Artillery 1:52
8 Navel Sounds Like Whales Clubbing Baby Cigarettes In Kabul 2:20
9 Hot Coco Luftwaffe 9:05

Ogo Dys ‎– Overion 3 2009


Phase 1 11:04
Phase 2 7:30
Phase 3 6:47
Phase 4 9:09


Written-By, Performer, Producer – Magnus Lundberg



viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

ZARBOTH - Kwakiutls (2011)

Writing and performing in various projects throughout the past fifteen years, Phil REPTIL has had a longterm project called LA THEORY DU REPTIL. He has performed in countless groups, theatre and dance companies from electronic music to experimental, jazz, rock or world music, playing guitar, keys, or creating sound-design landscapes. Etienne GAILLOCHET has been the drummer-vocalist and driving force of WE INSIST ! for the past sixteen years. With a particular fascination towards odd time-signatures and discordant melodies ranging in style from metal to jazz, the latter brings his trademark solid, yet experimental, percussion skills to ZARBOTH. The band explores the contemporary fields of rock, blending jazz-core, experimental, noise and songwriting, while working on sound textures with delight.

The duo moves between densely complex writing and improvisation, and then tries to reunite those two territories. Their broad influences range from RUINS to CLAUDIA QUINTET, from Frank ZAPPA to NO MEANS NO, from Fred FRITH to PANTERA, and from ZU to SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM. The second opus "Kwakiutls" (Gazul, 2011) combines two different approaches. It starts with six songs featuring refrains, melodies and identifiable structures, nevertheless built on impossible rhythmic canvasses and (perhaps) questionable harmonies. It ends with six instrumental pieces of experimental inspiration: structured performances with the rhythmic patterns of speech (Ala René LUSSIER), long progressive structures, or total improvisation mixed with micro-rhythmic patterns. Three guests are featured here: Cyrille MECHIN (Once baritone saxophonist in WE INSIST !), NOSFELL, Pierre Le BOURGEOIS (Cellist of the latter)... To be discovered !

ZARBOTH - Kwakiutls (2011)


1 - What We Eat (4'29)
2 - Sharks (3'25)
3 - Counting And Spelling (3'22)
4 - Headlouse (5'01)
5 - U-Boat (4'25)
6 - Celtic Toupee (3'54)
7 - A Sparrow (2'28)
8 - Salish (4'48)
9 - Saint-Louis-Du-Ha !-Ha ! (5'03)
10 - Snob (2'18)
11 - Plaster Guys (2'17)
12 - Coupez-Moi La Tête (1'55)


Etienne Gaillochet: drums and lead vocals
Phil Reptil: 8 string guitar and vocals
Cyrille Méchin: saxophone
Labyala Nosfell: voice
Pierre Le Bourgeois: cello
William Lopez: recording and mixing
Stephan Brüggemann: mastering


Das Simple - In Girum Imus Nocte (2013)



 Das Simple - In Girum Imus Nocte (2013)


1.In Girum Imus Nocte 08:30

2.Et Consumimur Igni 10:58
3.Quand la Chine s'éveillera dans ton cul, ça fera toujours moins mal que l'Afrique 06:35
4.Tales of the Galactic Serpent (part 3) 07:21
5.Cages 12:14


Julius: Fuzz-Bass & Hi-Screams 
Arnalux: Guitars & Unicorns 
Z: Rainbow Drumming 


martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Architecture of the absurd - Beluga (2014)

"ARCHITECTURE OF THE ABSURD recoge influencias de bandas como Van Der Graaf Generator, Gentle Giant o King Crimson, las tamiza por un filtro de Mr. Bungle y las representa en un imaginario Circo del Sol. El resultado no puede ser mas impredecible. Nada es lo que parece, y no se parece a nada.

Toda esta especie de mundo paralelo sin sentido ha sido creado por Lorenzo Matellán y Razl, dos músicos caracterizados por una inquietud creativa ilimitada alimentada por una capacidad para transformar lo sencillo y bonito en raro y extraño que da un poco de miedo. O al menos inquieta. A través de sus composiciones, Architecture of the absurd proponen situaciones imaginarias basadas en cuentos, películas o historias que han escuchado a terceros, y las plasman en letras muy directas y con un extraordinario doble sentido.

Lorenzo Matellán es un teclista e ingeniero de sonido caracterizado por la inquietud y la necesidad de ser musicalmente libre. Está obsesionado con romper sus propias barreras eliminando complejos mediante maquinas capaces de generar sonidos absurdos. Su máxima principal: todo vale menos la palabra “ni”.

Razl es un guitarrista fuera de lo normal. Tras la búsqueda incesante de si mismo, descubrió que era mas de una persona, lo que le llevó a fundar Beluga. Sus discos en solitario, “Rotonova” y “Microscopic“, obtuvieron muy buenas críticas en medios especializados, pero ahora, por fin abraza sin complejos, el proyecto que le lanzará a la fama cósmica. Sea lo que sea lo que eso significa.

La presencia del extraordinario y no menos raro batería Marco Minnemann ha dado a Architecture of the absurd un empuje extra. Su participación en el proyecto ha llevado a la banda a dar un paso mas allá en sus pretensiones musicales, reforzandolas con una contundencia rítmica solo comparable a la potencia del despegue de una nave interestelar.

El ultimo eslabón de este complejo entramado ha sido Damian Erskine, bajista virtuoso que ha comprendido perfectamente las mentes calenturientas y defectuosas de L. Matellan y Razl sirviendo de perfecto pegamento entre los incontrolables pulsos de Marco y los incongruentes métodos musicales de Architecture of the absurd.

Architecture of the absurd es el resultado final de algo que comenzó de una manera totalmente aleatoria e indefinida. La mayoría de los temas han tomado su forma definitiva casi en el momento final antes de entrar al estudio de grabación. Tanto Lorenzo como Razl iban aportando nuevas ideas y fragmentos que se almacenaban en una especie de archivo imaginario sin tener en cuenta el numero de temas que formarían parte del disco. Llego un momento en el que el numero de fragmentos musicales era tal que en Architecture of the absurd empezaron a sentir algo de agobio por no poder plasmar todas esas ideas. Así que habiendo puesto una fecha concreta para iniciar la grabación se decidió cerrar el  flujo incesante de ideas y poner en orden todo lo que se había creado hasta el momento. La dificultad para dar sentido y cabida a todas ellas, les llevo a pensar en la idea de algo abstracto, con sentido pero a la vez sin el, y fue bajo esa perspectiva bajo la que se fueron integrando todos los fragmentos en forma de temas..."

Architecture of the absurd - Beluga (2014)


1. Photosynthesis 5:19
2. Paris Ragtime 6:08
3. Trying to Be a Court Clown 5:25
4. Under a Black Cloud7:10
5. Thylacine 6:18
6. Monologue 6:43
7. Sunny View (For Douche-Bags) 5:24


Altare thotemico - Sogno errando (2013)

"The Italian band ALTARE THOTEMICO was formed in 2008, and on their debut album released the following year, they received acclaim for their take on 70's style Italian progressive rock and jazz rock. "Sogno Errando" is their second full length album, and was released through the Italian label MaRaCash in 2013. The current incarnation of Altare Thotemico is a vastly different one from the one which recorded their first album, and if descriptions are correct about them, their style has changed substantially too. Jazz is at the very core of the proceedings on this occasion, and a progressive oriented and elaborate variety of it too. 

Opening track D'Amore e Altri Tormenti is perhaps the sole exception, a more traditional but very well made affair, but from then and onwards we're taken on a glorious trip through multiple themed constructions that incorporate and include jazz-fusion and RIO-oriented escapades, with a few free-form inserts to boot. With expressionate, dramatic lead vocals, fireworks drumming, groove-determined bass, haunting and soaring violin escapades, elegant piano motifs and a saxophonist equally adept at calm and melancholic moods as with wild and intense ones. One gem follows the other here, with three epic length compositions that clock in at 40 minutes total playtime the brightest shining ones. A CD well worth checking out by fans of jazz fusion, and a production I'll pull forth when I encounter someone claiming that they are unable to enjoy jazz as well, as this album should convince a fair few about such notions being erroneous. "Sogno Errando" comes with my highest recommendations, in particular to the audience previously outlined..."

Altare thotemico - Sogno errando (2013)


1. Le Correnti Sotteranee
2. D'amore e d'altri Tormenti
3. Broken Heart
4. Petali Sognanti
5. Sogno Errando
6. Porpora
7. Neuro Pshico Killer


Gianni Venturi: Vocal
Emiliano Vernizzi: Sax
Gabriele Toscani: Violin
Leonardo Caligiuri: Piano
Valerio Venturi: Bass
Max Govoni: Drums


ByZero - Zencore (2011)

"Labels – what would we do without them? Probably enjoy the music more and
 not get sidetracked into pointless and elitist debates about what does or
 does not constitute “bison-prog” or somesuch. On the other hand there are
 times when labels are useful, and as Amplifier’s Neil Mahony says:

    “I do….find some musical labels helpful – if something is described as
    Brainfuck Noisecore then I am usually pretty sure what to expect.”

 With that in mind, may I describe the scary and sometimes surreal noise
 made by ByZero as avant-punk-jazz-metal-rio-prog? No? well in that case I
 don’t know where to start! Seriously though, this is one helluva CD and if
 you like your music challenging, unpredictable, HEAVY, and
 trance-inducing, then this muvva is for you

 Hailing from Moscow, ByZero have been going since 2009 and their core
 line-up consists of drums/bass/guitar/synths. On most pieces on this album
 they are joined by a saxophone or two, three or even four, whether or not
 all at once who knows, it’s hard to tell. There are fourteen pieces
 (calling them “songs” would be well wide of the mark) on Zencore, their
 debut album, ranging from forty five seconds to nine minutes in length. I
 can only describe their influences from my own experience as I know little
 of the Russian avant-jazz scene. In this stew of fantastic noise I can
 hear Faust (quite a lot actually), King Crimson (imagine the heaviest
 thing on Red then multiply until the calculator breaks – that’s the
 opening track PM), Don Ellis, Moondog (not in sound, more in feel),
 Acoustic Ladyland (speeding, with stacks of Marshalls and guitars),
 Anekdoten at their noisiest, Suicide, Fuck Buttons, Lol Coxhill, Acid
 Mothers Temple….I could go on. What this actually is is unique, something
 one rarely comes across these days.

 The bass guitar is often used as a lead instrument, but still thumping out
 the rhythm with the drummer, who somehow manages to hold it all together,
 while the guitar and synths swarm around like angry bees, often in the
 company of one or more saxes. Lunnyi Beg Poreirya Ivanova includes an
 almost and atypically lovely guitar break that sounds like agitated
 raindrops falling from a roof, and following track AM goes all space-rock,
 before the swarm descends again. There are many brief interludes from the
 brutality throughout which gives the otherwise relentless nature of the
 album some much needed light and shade.

 Noise of Zero Pt1 sees Faustian space spiders scratching at the hull while
 inside the saxes squawk and wail, arhythmic and ambient, but not in a
 chilled way. Twist Ling AM with Nick Rubanov takes the template of the
 version from earlier on and features added sax madness over an
 Anekdoten-like bass riff and syncopation. Storming stuff!

 After an hour we arrive at fourteenth and last track Vibration of Zero, or
 the Four Impro (sic), and it feels like we have just gone through twelve
 rounds with the Klitschko brothers. We are battered, bruised, but also
 exhilarated, knowing we will return for more. Probably the most
 frightening and compelling record I’ve listened to in a long time, and all
 the better for it. Do not listen to this if you have a hangover!"

Así las cosas, muchachos...

ByZero - Zencore (2011)


    1. PM 2:35
    2. Twist Ling AM 3:17
    3. Lunnyi Beg Poreirya Ivanova 4:49
    4. AM 3:32
    5. Volosatyi Studen 5:20
    6. Noise Of Zero Pt1 5:37
    7. Minimal 0:45
    8. Confusion 4:00
    9. Etu Pesniu Pel Gagagarin V Kosmose 4:31
   10. No One Light 8:09
   11. Noise Of Zero Pt2 9:34
   12. Twist Ling AM With Nick Rubanov 3:35
   13. Minimal Remix 5:21
   14. Vibration Of Zero, Or The Four Impro 6:04 

 Line up:

 - Anton Kolosov - Bass Guitar
 - Alexey Bobrovsky - Drums
 - Fyodor Fokin - Guitar
 - Ilya Belorukov - Saxophone
 - Anton Ponamorev - Saxophone
 - Ilya Simakov - Saxophone
 - Nikolai Rubanov - Saxophone
 - Katya Rekk - Synthesizer


The Murder Of Rosa Luxemburg ‎– Everyone's In Love And Flowers Pick Themselves (2003)

Esta placa es un collector´s item del Math Rock. Bastante desconocida para tener un sonido tan punchero y poderoso. Toda la música rebosa de verticalidad y se posa en ángulos peligrosamente obtusos a la hora de pegarle al instrumento. Único álbum de esta otrora promesa del Rock de Pitágoras, pero también del Hardcore Experimental. A must have!

The Murder Of Rosa Luxemburg ‎– Everyone's In Love And Flowers Pick Themselves (2003)


1 Building [A House For Flowers And Lovers] 1:56
2 The Beard Is Immortal 2:42
3 Infernal Music 4:12
4 Jack And Oscar Have A Fight 6:33
5 Slap The Cubo-Futurist 3:17
6 Time And Death Invading The Arcadian Scene 3:32
7 Ex Post Facto 3:26
8 Venezuela Is Realised 3:59


Andrew Jackson
Joel Armstrong 
Shaun Hencher
Simon Lucas 
Thomas Bush


Closure in moscow - Pink lemonade (2014)

Australianos que reciéntemente han ganado notoriedad debido a su cada vez mayor parecido sonoro con los desaparecidos en acción The Mars Volta. Si bien esto es descarado, he de reconocer que hay otros sabores distinguibles en su trabajo, como Cardiacs, Bubblemath, The Dear Hunter.

En todo caso se los dejo aqui para que sean uds quienes decidan si valen la etiqueta de "next big thing" que ya les colgaron en el rock alternativo.

Closure in moscow - Pink lemonade (2014)


1"The Fool" – 1:33
2"Pink Lemonade" – 8:14
3"Neoprene Byzantine" – 3:54
4"Seeds of Gold" – 3:41
5"That Brahmatron Song" – 9:30
6"Dinosaur Boss Battle" – 6:20
7"Mauerbauertraurigkeit" – 7:25
8"The Church of the Technochrist" – 6:46
9"Beckon Fire" – 4:02
10"Happy Days" – 5:38
11"ピンク レモネード" – 3:29


Mansur Zennelli
Christopher deCinque
Michael Barrett
Salvatore Aidone
Duncan Millar


Barbacana - Barbacana (2012)

"Barbacana is an Anglo-French quartet that brings together some of the keenest young musical intelligences from either side of the channel: British firebrands James Alsopp and Kit Downes and rising French artists Sylvain Darrifourcq and Adrien Dennefeld. Since 2009, they’ve been stunning live audiences with their barbed, angular riffs and hive-mind extemporisations.

The self-titled debut album, Barbacana, is a bristling summation of all their group discoveries to date, hinting at both the long history of avant-garde jazz shared by artistic communities in Paris and London, and the love French audiences and musicians have long held for classic British Prog and jazz-rock groups such as Soft Machine, Matching Mole and Hatfield and the North.

‘Animation’ starts with a Beefheartian tangle of robotic, interlocking guitar and organ jabs, squirling sax, and piston-popping, fractured drum rhythms, before giving way to a mysterious, dreamy coda. ‘Steam; sets off into a murky investigation of bass clarinet and low organ rumbles, smeared with Bill Frissel-like guitar sighs, until diving into a prancing, organ-led riff reminiscent of Canterbury-scene Prog at its most gripping. ‘Migration-Big Big Shop’ rushes out of the gate with gnarled, barbed-wire guitar, and twitchy, caffeinated drums only to tumble headlong into turbulent free-fall with wide, endof-the-pier organ swells opening out like a queasy parachute.

Imagine strapping yourself into a fairground ride that keeps changing direction, switching from rollercoaster to ghost train and back again with capricious wit and skill.

With Barbacana, the only certainty is that nothing is certain..."

Barbacana - Barbacana (2012)


1.Animation 06:57
2.Steam 05:09
3.Adobes 06:00
4.Barbacana 01:49
5.For No Raisin 07:28
6.Migration-Big Big Shop 10:05
7.Outro 05:28


James Allsopp: tenor saxophone, bass clarinet; 
Sylvain Darrifourcq: drums, objects,toys; 
Adrien Dennefeld: guitar, cello; 
Kit Downes: organ, keyboard, prepared piano.


sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

Ithak- Idem (2012)

"Science Fiction Music, Ethno-Psyche-Punk, dodecaphonic rock?

Abdul Vector Von Hassid (P*BUH) ‘s crazy disciples share a kaleidosonic and psychedelic vision of music, mixing psychopunk, hip hop, jazz, oriental, electro and contemporary music in a deconstructivist blend from which emerges a new, original and ever surprising sound.

ITHAK, Founded in 2005 by Seb El Zin, is a band dedicated to going beyond the limits of creativity and expression.
Truly polymorphic and multicultural artists, ITHAK’s members are constantly creating new sounds, new visual experiences and pulling down frontiers and fighting stereotypes.

Just imagine a mix of The Young Gods, Secret Chiefs 3, Talking Heads, Arnold Schoënberg and James Chance illustrating a Mati Klarwein’s painting in a weird poppy, psychedelic and punchy rocky way and it will give you a vague idea of what you can expect from them..."

"I really love your crazy sounds" John Zorn

Ithak- Idem (2012)


1.Para tus sentidos auditivos (intro) 00:18
2.Serial Iguana 07:50
3.Utrecht Interlude 3 01:14
4.Stereo Love 03:55
5.Vitaly 02:44
6.Horizons Verticaux 04:53
7.Utrecht Interlude 4 01:11
8.Psalm 03:24
9.Je Fly 05:14
10.Aquatisch Phantasie 01:05
11.Sentier Des Lunes 03:22
12.Triangle Cannibale 03:06
13.Im Wunderschönen Monat Mai 03:30


Seb El Zin, Composer, singer, guitarist, author and founder of ITHAK.
François Sabin, ITHAK’s saxophonist, and occasional pianist and guitarist.
Stephane Gasquet, Keyboards and samples.
Thomas Ballarini, Drums and percussion.
Charlie Dalin, percussions


Öz ürügülü - Forgotten Archives (2013)

"This is a crazy new band, Öz Ürügülü, and they're from Switzerland!

Their debut CD Forgotten Archives is an odd-meter / proggy mixture of Steve Vai, Secrets Chiefs 3 and Mr. Bungle -- exotic scales played on sitar, horn section, theremin, keyboards, and heavy rock band. It's hard to tell how many members are really in the band and what they're playing at any moment. Whoever they are, they're all highly-skilled and having a lot of fun.

Even the wild circuit-bending and techno dance beats are catchy and cool. It's not easy to get me to bob my head up and down, but these guys somehow did it.

They've got this avant garde track called Concerto For Group And Expresso Machine Movement III, in which they have scored jazz rock music to go with all the sounds of someone making an expresso. AND they've included the manuscript / score inside the CD booklet..."

Y si no le creen al chavo, el sampler no miente:

Öz ürügülü - Forgotten Archives (2013)


1. Cartoon Holocaust
2. When I Was 17
3. Samørgen
4. Collateral Tanzbein
5. Concerto For Group And Espresso Machine Movement III
6. Secret Cheese
7. Pain Of Centuries (All At Once)
8. Zbengi Yihrbakki





Munir Hossn - IndiGenaJazz (2013)

El video adjunto es CONTUNDENTE. No necesitan ver la sangre...

"Between rhythms and lyrics is how we find a way to express this beautiful brazilian heritage. 
Somewhere in hidden regions in Brazil, you can still find, if you're lucky, 
Indians who've managed to preserve their culture and habits, the way they dress, dance, play... 
In other regions like Salvador of Bahia, 
the African heritage is proudly exposed by the ones who have inherited it from their ancestors brought in during colonization. 
This combination gave birth to one of the richest part of our culture. 
In this rich and diverse country was born INdiGenaJazz, Indigena for its origins and Jazz for its path. 
The artist's experiences and journeys are told through music, from Cuba to New York..."

En el archivo coloqué 2 versiones de "Meu Guarani" con arreglos diferentes que no tienen desperdicio.


Munir Hossn - IndiGenaJazz (2013)


1.Meu Gaurani 05:12
2.Yahlee 05:12
3.Cabra Tenorio 07:10
4.INdiGenaJazz 04:55
5.Diaba Sambou 06:44
6.Minha Clave Minha Cara 06:13
7.Tudo Bala 03:49


Munir Hossn - bass, guit,perc, vocal. 
Adriano Dd - perc. 
Tiphanie Constantin - vocals. 


Kouma - Brazilian Blow Out (2014)

Una raya más al furioso tigre que sigue devorando orejas desprevenidas bajo el inocente pseudónimo de "escena musical independiente francesa". Lo que allí está sucediendo debería ser ya tema de seguridad nacional y obligada cuarentena para tantos pobres jóvenes que, como los bien nacidos Kouma, hoy ya no saben más que diseñar macabras danzas sincopadas armados con una suerte de Math-Noise-Jazz-Slung Core en formato de trío que no deja títere con me soban y definitivamente hay que poseerles en nuestras colecciones.

Si no baila hasta el más viejo de sus casas con este video, es porque seguramente ya está muerto!


Kouma - Brazilian Blow Out (2014)


1 E.V.T.E.V. 00:04:01  

2 Nevada Breakdown 00:06:40 
3 Fundoshi 00:03:02  
4 Pound Zero 00:04:55  
5 Brazilian Blowout 00:05:02  
6 Casse Brique 00:03:20  
7 Frichti 00:04:15


ROMAIN Dugelay saxo barítono 

